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¡Socorro! ¡Estoy atrapada!
1 de October de 2020
Imagina estar atrapada en una enorme tela de araña, mucho mayor que la Vía Láctea. Y, lo que da más miedo todavía, que haya un agujero negro en el dentro de esta telaraña. ¡Esta es la tremenda realidad a la que se enfrenta un grupo de galaxias recién descubiertas!

Space Scoop (Inglés)

Here you can read the latest Space Scoop, our astronomy news service for children aged 8 and above. The idea behind Space Scoop is to change the way science is often perceived by young children, as outdated and dull subjects. By sharing exciting new astronomical discoveries with them, we inspire children to develop an interest in science and technology. Space Scoop makes a wonderful tool that can be used in the classroom to teach and discuss the latest astronomy news. 

Space Scoop is available in the following languages:

Inglés, Dutch, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Maltese, Norwegian, Portuguese, K’iche’, Romanian, Russian, Sinhalese, Slovenian, Swahili, Tamil, Tetum, Turkish, Tz’utujil, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Welsh

The Universe is a Cool Place!
15 de May de 2013:
Rising From Ashes
9 de May de 2013:
Cloudy with a Chance of Star Birth
2 de May de 2013:
I Can See Your Halo
30 de April de 2013:
The Warped Fabric of Our Universe
25 de April de 2013:
Comet Makes a Splash on Jupiter
25 de April de 2013:
Born in the Wild
19 de April de 2013:
Stellar Baby Boom
17 de April de 2013:
“Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone”
10 de April de 2013:
The Galactic Empire
3 de April de 2013:
Rise and Shine, it's Breakfast Time!
2 de April de 2013:
A Case of Mistaken Identity
28 de March de 2013:
New Kids on the Block
27 de March de 2013:
It All Started with a Big Bang... But When?
22 de March de 2013:
How to Stand Out from the Crowd
20 de March de 2013:
The Star That Lived Two Lives
18 de March de 2013:
The Search for our Cosmic Origins Begins
13 de March de 2013:
What's the Matter?
11 de March de 2013:
Cosmic Candles Shine a Light on the Size of the Universe
6 de March de 2013:
The Mysterious Afterlife of Stellar Giants
6 de March de 2013:
Congratulations, it's a...Planet!?
28 de February de 2013:
There's Something Fishy about This Picture
20 de February de 2013:
Monster Galaxy Shows Us Another Side of Itself
20 de February de 2013:
A Study in Supernovae
19 de February de 2013:
Sailing in the Solar Wind
18 de February de 2013:
Tracing Cosmic Rays Back to Their Roots
14 de February de 2013:
The Ink Blot Test
13 de February de 2013:
Cosmic Weight Watchers
11 de February de 2013:
The Wings of the Seagull Nebula
6 de February de 2013:
Beautiful but Deadly
28 de January de 2013:
Setting the Night Sky on Fire
23 de January de 2013:
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
22 de January de 2013:
When the Red Planet was Blue
17 de January de 2013:
Light from the Darkness
16 de January de 2013:
Photobomber Stars
10 de January de 2013:
Did Somebody Call the Ghostbusters?
9 de January de 2013:
Gas-Guzzling Giants
2 de January de 2013:
How to Look Young When You're Not
19 de December de 2012:
A Christmas Gift from Space
18 de December de 2012:
May the Force be with You
17 de December de 2012:
Dark Skies Show Bright Stars
6 de December de 2012:
Galaxy Hits a Cosmic Bullseye
6 de December de 2012:
From Little Green Men to Big Green Galaxies!
5 de December de 2012:
Volcanic Venus
4 de December de 2012:
From Grains to Planets
30 de November de 2012:
Space Can be a Blast!
28 de November de 2012:
Pluto’s Bald Cousin
21 de November de 2012:
Blowing Bubbles
16 de November de 2012:
A Lonely Planet Lost in Space
14 de November de 2012:
Retired Stars Take Up Sculpting!
8 de November de 2012:
A Field Trip to Star School
7 de November de 2012:
Universe’s Star Factory Shuts Down
6 de November de 2012:
Extreme Make-over
31 de October de 2012:
84 Million Stars and Counting!
24 de October de 2012:
Meet Your Neighbour
17 de October de 2012:
Secrets of an Alien World
11 de October de 2012:
The Butterfly Hunter
10 de October de 2012:
You Spin Me Right Round
10 de October de 2012:
Bird Watching in Space
26 de September de 2012:
Space Aaaaaages!
12 de September de 2012:
A Star with a Secret
5 de September de 2012:
At the End of the Rainbow
30 de August de 2012:
Astronomers Make a Sweet Discovery
29 de August de 2012:
Please Don’t Stop the Music!
15 de August de 2012:
Why is the Sky Dark at Night?
15 de August de 2012:
Before it is Famous
5 de August de 2012:
Supernova Hunters!
1 de August de 2012:
The ‘O’ So Big Gobstoppers of the Universe!
26 de July de 2012:
Eerie Ghost Towns in Space!
11 de July de 2012:
The Space Olympics
28 de June de 2012:
A Bright Spark of an Idea to Study Dim Planets
27 de June de 2012:
A Universal Address Book
20 de June de 2012:
Space Engines More Powerful than the Starship Enterprise's!
7 de June de 2012:
Seeing Things in a Different Light
31 de May de 2012:
The A-Team is International
23 de May de 2012:
Marking Out Galactic Boundaries
16 de May de 2012:
Breaking Free From a Cosmic Cocoon
15 de May de 2012:
Does This Cosmic Gas Need More Spice?
9 de May de 2012:
A Fairytale in Space
2 de May de 2012:
Not Your Average Superhero
30 de April de 2012:
An Astronomically Wrong Assumption
26 de April de 2012:
It’s My Turn to Shine!
25 de April de 2012:
A Cosmic Game of Hide and Seek
18 de April de 2012:
Archaeologists of the Universe
12 de April de 2012:
A Hot Discovery of Some Cold Planets
12 de April de 2012:
A Star Turned Inside Out!
2 de April de 2012:
Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? No, it’s a Super-Earth!
28 de March de 2012:
Galaxies Galore!
21 de March de 2012:
The Weird Shape of Weird Stuff
16 de March de 2012:
Greedy Teenage Galaxies
14 de March de 2012:
What Big Eyes You Have
7 de March de 2012:
Astronomers Find Life on… Earth?!
29 de February de 2012:
Optical Illusions in Space
15 de February de 2012:
Only the Biggest Survive
14 de February de 2012:
Throwing Rocks in Space
9 de February de 2012:
The Universal Laws of Science
8 de February de 2012:
The Star Kicker
1 de February de 2012: Every 50 years or so, a massive star in our Galaxy explodes in what is called a supernova. In the explosion, the star’s outer shells of gas are blown into space. This hot gas gives off X-ray radiation, which astronomers can photograph using special telescopes in space.
A Ghostly Face in Space
1 de February de 2012: Do you ever look at clouds in the sky and see the shapes of objects and people in them? Well, astronomers do the same thing in the night sky.
Galaxies that Fizzled Out Young
25 de January de 2012:
Unexpected Visitor in the Night Sky Caught on Camera!
24 de January de 2012: Scientists have launched many spacecraft to study the objects in our Solar System. So far, though, only one has travelled to the edge of the Solar System and it is called Voyager 1. It has taken Voyager 1 more than 30 years to make this incredible road trip, so you can image why astronomers get excited when objects from the outer Solar System visit Earth instead!
Mostrando 301 hasta 400 de 452